Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Torn up sky

The storms of the weekend, unrealized, seemed to gather last night around 6 to deliver the rain that prompted all the exciting flood warnings of days ago.

Clouds gathered, darkened, broke part, massed again. They made for good light but nothing happened.

On the terrace I was surprised to find plants wilting and actually asking for water. I am my only irrigation system. Pots do not benefit from groundwater, so even cloudy days are work days or the Waterers.

Sunset was a broad charcoal smudge over Jersey, but Turner-pink to the east, which my terrace faces.

Sometime deep into the small hours, it rained at last. Heavy footsteps on the roof early this morning makes me think that perhaps the gutter flooded again and was being Monitored.


  1. Love the "Turner-Pink". We are having very odd weather in SW CT, too. Not sure what to make of it. One of my kids is in Indiana and reports that it's 93 and humid. That's not so nice either...

    Anyway, I do love these pictures.

  2. Last evening I was visiting a friend on Remsen St. I chose to take the promenade on my way over. In the distance, a sherbet glow framed a rain burst visually over the palisade sill, but probably farther west.


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