Welcome to my plant walk and forage picnic page. Late spring walks are coming, soon. For now, read on to learn more about what this is all about, or scroll down to purchase a Gift Walk.
To be added to my quarterly-ish mailing list (and first dibs at new walks), or for private walk enquiries, please email me: myviljoen (at) gmail (dot) com.
The Book
My second book, Forage, Harvest, Feast - A Wild-Inspired Cuisine, is a substantial resource, with plant info for foraging and for cultivating, and over 500 recipes. It is intended as a guide for exploring the range of possibilities for delicious and very versatile botanical ingredients growing (or begging to be grown) near you. Order from the publisher, your local bookshop, or Amazon.
About my Walks
I lead plant identification and nature walks in wild and tame green spaces. As much as these experiences are about sharing my passion for plants, they are an immersion in the rich natural world that surrounds us, even in the middle of a city.
Every part of every season offers a unique opportunity to learn more about the plants that surround us in plain sight, especially in places where we do not expect to find them. Yes, we even walk in winter.
The group-size for walks is small, low-impact, and personal. It's not unusual for new friendships to grow over the course of the walk. Meet plants, make friends!
On our field trips we identify and talk about so-called weeds, or plants whose habit is invasive; exotic plants (introduced species); and native plants, some of which could - and should, but still don't - define an authentic regional cuisine. Awareness, sustainability and stewardship are the cornerstones of these immersions in nature. My own approach evolves, and I welcome the diverse perspective that you bring to our roving discussions.
In terms of edible plants, we talk what parts of plants are safe to eat, and why, as well as culinary ideas and techniques for unfamiliar ingredients (warning, there's a lot fermentation-talk). The conversation always touches on the evolving do's and don't's of foraging; pollution issues; the relationship between invasive plants and natives, and why it does actually matter, if we care about the planet and biodiversity; and the real problems of commercial over-harvest of native wild plants (like ramps), all tying in to my approach of conservation foraging.
My real goal, though, is to help tune your senses to the botanical and natural details at our feet, and above our heads, and to inspire you to notice nature, even if it's on your city block.
Forage Picnics
Most walks end with a wild-inspired tasting picnic. It's exactly what it sounds like: Tastes of in-season, wild ingredients, as well as preserved small-batch forages from my feral pantry. Where possible, non-foraged ingredients are organic or locally-grown. I take broad dietary preferences (vegan, vegetarian, omnivore) into account where possible within a group. You can also book a diet-specific, private walk.
Ways to Walk and Talk
Gift Walks - buy an open ticket to any scheduled walk; valid for one year.
Plant Identification - I identify plants on your land, public space, or in your garden.
Talks, Classes - for botanic gardens, design firms, conservancies, garden clubs, etc.
Consultation - native and edible garden creation, wild recipes, mixology and menus.
Highly recommend this small magical moment away from politics in this crazy moment of history. Where else can you drink an infusion of yuzu and linden flowers? I was so drowsy by the time I got home- maybe linden flowers, more likely the fresh air and 4 mile walk through slightly hilly and uneven ground.