Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer supper with herbs

Chives, basil, parsley, tarragon, mint and fennel:

I had bought a huge tomato. And I was thinking of how there is often a platter of them on the bar at Fiorello (one of the best bars to sit at in the city, drooling over all the antipasti on display): fat slices, lightly herbed.

First I salted and peppered my slice. Then I chopped herbs. I wanted my tomato heavily herbed. Then I drizzled some deep green olive oil over the top.

With a red potato salad (chives, sherry vinegar, Lebanese olive oil), red onion slices and wild Alaskan smoked salmon, a pretty good summer supper. Noilly Prat in the glass.


  1. Looks lovely, light and summery. Too much salmon for you though, judging by the look on Estorbo's face.....

  2. I love Fiorellos!
    I enjoyed reading your blog. It is amazing what we can grow in small spaces here in NYC, isn't it?

  3. I hope your supper tasted as delicious as it looks in the picture! I see 'Storbie had his salmon detector switched on ... Ikaika has one that is tuned in to chicken and ham.


  4. mmmmmm that looks/sounds totally delicious! And Estorbo looks like he's waiting patiently patiently for some salmon to come his way. He's being remarkably polite...all four cats chez quiltcat would be dancing on their hindlegs, meowing loudly, demanding salmon, and the tallest (Fuzzy) would probably be employed by the others to stand up and snag a piece of feesh off the platter with his claws.

  5. Yes, I think the Don is asking,polide boice,for a taste.

  6. beautiful all of it. Delcious looking everything...(but holy crap that's a big tomato)...also your cat blog is making us VERY happy...

  7. Rachel, Ikaika, Dinahmow, QC (ie the cat's fan club!)...he is quite polite for such an obstreperous cat. Paw out, no claws, head sideways.Takes nicely, no teeth.

    He likes plums! Just discovered this. They must be very ripe.

    Anonymoos - yes. Come back soon with a name :-)

    Goodgoodbird - it was HUGE.

  8. Very yummy photos. Nice quality.

    Used to live in a NYC small space.
    Used to live in Worcester, not too far from Cape town (long time ago).

  9. Hi Tammy...huh: NYC and Worcester! that's something...Ha, so that's where the cat survey came from :-) I like your cat furniture. It actually has some cat class. Sort of Swedish furniture for cats. Have you seen my cat's blog? Maybe he can do some PR...

  10. Your blog always makes me really hungry...

    How do you always manage to do everything so beautifully? Your plants, your food, your home, your city... All such eye candy *sighs jealously*

  11. Arcadia - dit was baie lekker...nogal 'n groot bord kos.

    Karen - thank you...I think it's just my reaction to the unbearable heaviness of being, sometimes. Something has to get you from point to point to point, and if it's beautiful, it helps. As a doctor, you have a different raison d'etre, and one totally legit. I think my meals and flowers and pretty antique glasses are a way of slipping through life as painlessly as possible.

    Also. I tend to over-analyse things :-)


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