Saturday, June 6, 2009

The leaf blowers of the LICH

It's Saturday. Morning. For hours every second Saturday the Cobble Hill neighbourhood around the LICH is plagued by the hospital-sponsored, high-pitched whine of leaf blowers blowing dust and debris from point A to point B. Constant high pitched roar. Gas-powered, noise polluting, air polluting, irritants.

This is landscaping at its best. Not gardening. Landscaping. Think woodchips, bad topsoil, plastic lawn edging and '70's borders of orange impatiens at the feet of ill-(motor)-trimmed yew hedging.

Did I mention it's SATURDAY???


  1. snow blowers would be going on around here if it wasn't such heavy wet snow...

    jingle bells anyone?

  2. Funny, I'm getting the exact same treatment here, almost in real time...

  3. Too early for one of those Friday drinks?

  4. Buck's Fizz might have been a good idea at that hour, Dinahmow. Slipry slope, slipry slope as Halloween might say.

    Bumblevee: snow. You said snow?

    Beence - I want rakes back. I would have waterd them if I could've reached.

  5. i wud indeed, i wud say that. almos zackly as yoo have. Mine says leef blowrrs are a 'a bom in a shun' [had ta sownd that owt slo, i hope that spel chek ladee frum a wile ago ain't still reedin, but i doan think she had the payshense]


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