Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Viva Mexico!

I shall be making Puerco de Mayo tonight. Though I think I'll use ribs.

We must celebrate a few things.

1. Pigs, who don't have the sniffles
2. Mexico, which does not deserve to be shunned. I hope the media now does as much to promote travel to Mexico as it did to cry, Flee! Flee!
3. The end of my bottle of excellent Tequila, deserving of a silver cocktail shaker

I'm sorry about the rain. I asked Estorbo to wash behind his ears for 6 hours straight on Friday, and he did. He has flat ears now, and carpal tunnel syndrome, but you see, we have rain. The plants on the Median are looking very perky and are putting on inches of growth (in the case of the amsonia).


  1. After which you can indulge in that other great Mexican tradition - the siesta. (The Don can demonstrate, I'm sure!)

  2. I won't tell him you said he was Mexican. It will be a Dominican siesta :-)

  3. Que viva Mexico indeed. They whooped our French colonialist a**es back then. Funny though, as I say it every year, that this should almost be more of a US celebration than a Mexican one...


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