Friday, May 8, 2009


I had been forgotten.

That was the explanation from the smiling officer I saw again this morning at the Department of Homeland Security.

It was, as I had imagined, because of my trip to South Africa for two months: she had said in December, after my interview, that she would file the paperwork in time for my return (not at once, in case I received The Letter while I was away), but then she had forgotten.

The price we pay for self-indulgence. I should have stayed put.

I went online two days ago to make an appointment to see a real human being. This after lodging a formal enquiry a month ago as to why I had not been summoned to my oath ceremony- without which one is not an American, and cannot import a husband - after my successful citizenship interview on December 4th, by telephone. The time for a reponse to said enquiry was approximately 90 days from the date of telephoning. The person on the phone said technically I could go in person to Federal Plaza, but she advised against it. Wait for bureaucracy to do its thing.

Instead of waiting it out, I cracked. If I had known how simple making an online appointment would be, I would have done it it months ago, instead of writing.

I did everything possible to subconsciously subvert today's appointment: I forgot to print out my appointment at work yesterday. I left my papers at home this morning. I had to return home to fetch essential things. I am not this scatterbrained. I was just terrified of the worst: being told it would never happen, forget it, go home. Move to Canada. Nice knowing you.

But both subways pulled into the two stations exactly when I needed them to. When does that ever happen? I was on time.

After waiting at the second of two way stations in the monolith of Federal Plaza, with a woman from Hong Kong who had been there for four hours, for exactly the same reason, I was met by the officer who interviewed me all those months ago:

I asked, meekly polite, rather like a nervous dog trying not to offend a human of uncertain temper: Did you get my letter in February?

No, she said, beaming, Mail tends to get lost here. I am so glad you came in today.

She sent me out to get passport pictures (they are horrible), and I came back to be handed the letter I have been waiting for.

You are hereby notified to appear for a Naturalization Oath Ceremony on Friday, June 12, 2009.

For the first time in a year and half I have some idea, we have some idea, of how to move forward. We have a date. We have a decision.

We have to find a new apartment!


  1. HIP HIP HOORAY! I'm sorry you had so much worrying and waiting, most of it unnecessary...but what wonderful results! Will Vince have to go through the same trauma to get US citizenship? Or is your princpal concern at the moment being able to legally import him as the husband of a US citizen?

  2. Hi QC - Vince has no desire to be an American, being quite happy with his French and Camnadin passports, but he desires to work here legally, and being married to me as an American qualifies him to do so, once we have jumped through some more hoops.

  3. I was wondering why you didn't just move to Vancover anyway...lots of good gardening weather there..... beautiful scenery...ocean.....your sweetie......

  4. BV - and leave New York? Whaddaya, nuts??? :-)

  5. Congratulations! This is very exciting news for the both of you. Does Estorbo get some sort of associate citizenship?

  6. Blog Princess, the cat is Wanted on most continents, for crimes unspecified...

  7. great news. my partner became a citizen Jan 2007, in a ceremony alternately boring, and eye-rolling-inducing (think swing choir attired in sequined vests, singing to an electronic boom-chicca-boom-chicca machine). i couldn't stop crying.

    more great news: you will get a letter from Meester Obama, and not his predecessor, like my beloved.

    i look forward to the next gardening space.

  8. A letter from Mr Obama??? Wow. I can't wait! Imagine getting one from Mr Bush :-(

    Are you really that attractive grey and white pussycat? :-)

  9. Congratulations, Marie! We are SO happy for you, Vince and Estorbo! Finally, the news you've been waiting for. Ikaika is sending lots of purrs, and the husband and I are sending bright, positive energy your way.

    Keli'i, Kevin (the husband) and Ikaika

  10. Well done! (But I expect it was all due to speaking in polite boice :-) )

  11. Keli'i and Co: thank you :-)

    MIT - smallpolideboice...

  12. This calls for wine and obscenely good food and a bunch or two of happy flowers. And maybe more wine.


  13. no, i am not The Gray Danger directly as my exceedingly cute kitty had internet access revoked after what we call only "the fish delivery incident". i use her photo because, well, it should be apparent.

    is it apparent i am trapped at work, waiting to bolt at the appropriate time so i can garden?

  14. Ok, ok, how did so many people manage to read this and comment even before I got here? Doesn't anybody work any more? ;-)

    Marie: my Camnadin passport says hi. :-) And the criminal cat says "thank god, they shut Guantanamo down."

    BumbmbleVee: I've wondered the same thing. ;-)

    Donna: the boom-chicca-boom-chicca machine thing sounds hilarious. How does one keep a straight face?

  15. @Beece
    re: boom-chicca-boom-chicca. my german-fio-ammurican gf proclaimed the swing choir performance to be some of the best ammurica has to offer. laughter thru the tears, amigo.

    re: working. not. to paraphrase a joke (not mine). Work: those annoying 8 hours before gardening hour. & now time for me to depart!

  16. Beence! Hey, come and party! I have a bottle of elderflower cordial from Chris and a bottle of prosecco! The two are going to become acquainted. Soon.

    Oh, I hope I get a boom-chicca-boom swing choir...I think they are wonderful.

    Now I'm going to garden.

  17. I had to check to see if the BBG Wisteria display post came after your Fed Plaza Post. Flowers so effusive as to be the expressions of the day.

    Congratulations and, uh, welcome to American.

  18. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely wonderful news Marie and Beence

  19. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! congratulations doesn't begin to cover it, I know :)


  20. BTW: what happens to *your* apartment? I have the audacity to call virtual dibs. *dibs!* xxpritha

  21. Pritha - virtual dibs are yours, then :-)

    But trust me: the pictures I take in and aroud it show it in a flattering light. It's tiny, VERY small; it has noisy neighbours...building not looked after. Then again, it has skylights in all three rooms, the terrace, a washing machine, w/d downstairs, and a superb location. Now I'm a realtor...

  22. Oh, this is such wonderful news! We'll drink a toast to you here, then hopefully another in person someday soon. We're in the beginning stages of planning a return visit to NYC. Smooches to you and Beence and that big gorgeous kitty cat.


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