Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cheese on toast

Two slices of Fromager d'Affinois, ewes' milk cheese, on toasted focaccia. With ground black pepper, which reminded me, in its prickly freshness, that pepper is a fragrant spice, not just a ubiquitous hotness.

This afternoon I will be preparing apricots for jam, making rhubarb jam (experiment), and keeping a close eye on my kitty, who has been ill. After the respite of seeing Cons for supper on Friday evening, it has not been a great weekend.
In the making is a long post about vets.


  1. Hi Marie, hope you are finding the jam-making therapeutic. Sounds like you and the Cad have had a rough few days. Sending good thoughts your way across the continent...


  2. Yes but my question is: are the baby's mother or not? ;-)

  3. Thank you Keli'i.It was rough - He was so stressed.

    Beence: yeah. I hope I write that all down. Maybe the cat will. I don't think he likes being called the Baby.

  4. Hermano, we are sorry to hear you have been upset.We suggest some steamed rice with a little tuna and a lot of cuddle.

  5. rhubarb is a wonderful thing. it's a shame the season is so short (at least it is in Bronx groceries).

    please keep us posted on the cat's progress.

  6. Oh, no. Sending good thoughts your way. Keeses to that sweet Cad.

  7. It may seem like sacrilege, but apricot-pineapple is one of my favorite jams, as is strawberry rhubarb. Hope the jam making was successful...and that Estorbo will be feeling much better, soon! (Also that you find a vet that you are happy with.)


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