Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Corydalis lutea

Korydalis = lark's head. Also known as yellow fumitory...

And down...the furrow dry
Sunspurge & oxeye
And laced-leaved lovely
Foam-tuft fumitory.

The Woodlark, Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1889

It grew in the old brick wall of my garden in Alexandria, years ago, and self-seeded easily - maybe too easily for some. It is like a little yellow bleeding heart, but keeps flowering, not giving up after spring. Some sun, some shade, and a little, very little place for its roots.

I went to the BBG to do some native plant research - which pictures I shall inflict on the blog this weekend - for the park-to-be...

The wisteria , all of it, was astonishing. The lilacs almost past it, but still wonderfully scented. More pictures will follow. But if only we could click and sniff.


  1. Ah! I'm going to move any self-seeded volunteers I find in my beds to the retaining walls in the back yard. I've never seen it growing like this!

  2. I love the Corydalis. And a big fan of the long-flowering dicentra, bleeding heart.


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