Friday, May 1, 2009


...what fire escapes were invented for. On Wyckoff, between Hoyt and Smith.


  1. gorgeous! there's a wall at the National Archives that has a huge ancient wisteria on it...the trunk must be about five inches in diameter!...but those fire escape wisteria look so lovely and ethereal.

  2. Exactly! And if I was fleeing a fire I'd probably (shh...) steal some on the way down.
    And oh! the evening fragrance of it after rain!
    Of course, I am somewhat less lyrical when I have to prune mine.

  3. my mother's balcony on the front of her house is covered in wisteria. so lovely!!!

  4. there used to be a mssive wisteria at second and second. i wonder if it's till there...


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