Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Anyone awake over there?

So the Times runs a story about the NYC Garden's garden and....doesn't. mention. the. blog.


I am most disappointed.

Yes, he's an artist, yes, he has a garden and, oh! he has a B.L.O.G. where this story in the Times oh-ri-gi-na-ted.

I am getting quite over-excited. What is this? The last century?


  1. Maybe the funniest part is when I got an email from an editor (responsible for nursery dirt?). He wanted to know the name of the plant I am giving Adriana. Except the photographer took a ton of photos. I asked him to send me the one and I could ID. That never happened, they went with "perennials."

    He asked why I was giving her a perennial and did it have something to do with the lead problem and if so, please explain.

    I could see the caption: Gardener has to give perennials away because of lead in city dirt or gardener gives leaded perennials to unsuspecting gardener?! From one leaded gardener to another. Or what? I let him know she was fully aware of what she was getting.

    Oy. Funny Times

  2. Well, respect is a two way street, right?

  3. I picked up a copy of the print edition and on a side bar they have a link printed to the Brooklyn College ESAC. Funny its in the print, but not online.

    I was, not so secretly, hoping that the press would give the blog a little boost....

  4. Well, jeez, of course you were. It's either cluelessness - totally out of touch with how people are finding and looking for info these days; or sloppiness; or downright stinginess - "we'll take the info and turn it into a print story but we won't acknowledge where the story started?".

    I think it's basically unprofessional and out of touch...

    [I've always had trouble expressing what I really think :-)]

  5. It's almost what I've come to expect of the Times. Seriously? The errors and omissions in this one story are like the canary in a coal mine. Makes you really wonder what the 'BIG' stories are missing. And the general populace considers them to be the 'truth' on all things. Oy...

  6. oh, me. I forgot to send a congrats to NYCGarden for getting the press. Sorry!

  7. Marie, is not a mere few weeks since you ditched "the Gray Lady"?
    I'd say, ditch her again. Better - compost her!

  8. Yes, Dinahmow, I know. if i don't read it you won't be subjected to a rant :-) Butbutbut it was on Frank's blog!

  9. Fortunately, I glean most of my "news facts" from intelligent bloggers! (And I do have a NYT bookmark :-) )


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