Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rose-arama continues

If you are rose-aphobic this is going to be a tough week. Then there'll be a bit of a break as the first flush fades, and respite for a few more weeks, maybe three, while the next wave gathers strength.

The lovely and unusual thing about the mist cloud today, is that the particles of water were and are so tiny and soft that they accumulate slowly without dashing the roses to pieces, and without just slopping straight off, like real rain.

Last year the New Dawn was very hot and faded and flopped very fast. In this cooler weather the petals stay suspended and shell pink.


  1. Ahh, I see you've the droplets too.
    So, right back at you.

    I'm done with the rain now, too. At least for two days.

  2. Somewhere in this garden, there must be a space for New Dawn -beautiful with the little sprinkles

  3. wonderful droplets on the petals!

  4. Frank - that wasn't rain...still waiting here.

    Hen! On the fence for beggluh proofing! - they don't repeat though, even though the books say they do.

    QC, yes I loved the droplets.

  5. Stunning rain drops, so much like dew, a very rare sight... Beautiful shots! :-)


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