Thursday, August 25, 2011

Green-Wood Cemetery

I knew about Green-Wood Cemetery, or at least that it existed, and was big, and that Frank and Betsy had said we must visit, and that it is mentioned in birding blogs, and that in spring it is full of flowers. I was not prepared for the scale of it, nor its depth of field, nor its endless green grass and hills, nor, especially, its very beautiful trees. Old trees. Nor even that to get there all we had to do was ride the R two stops farther than usual. One becomes so used to habit and pattern that an entire world can be missed. Everyone should ride the subway two stops farther, and then get out, and see what happens.

It did not hurt, either, that I fell over some mushrooms within two minutes of entering its gates and walking up its imposing drive.

A storm was coming. After spending some time with the green parrots and the mushrooms we went farther in, through the massive archway - we had entered from the 5th Avenue (Brooklyn!) side, and up a steep hill between appropriate yew trees.

It is going to be breathtaking in the fall.

Other than us, no living souls were abroad.

Hearing the rumbling from the purple clouds gathering in force to the south, we turned around early. The storm caught us at the gate, opening the sky all at once, and we ran. Within two blocks we were back in the subway, soaking.

We need more time to explore, next time, and will head back when the leaves have started to turn. Perhaps we'll find where Leonard Bernstein is and have a picnic with him.


  1. Beautiful pictures, as usual.

    And you're right, it will be breathtaking in the Autumn. You'll have to take more pictures then because I can't wait to see all those lovely trees in their Autumn glory!

  2. LN has a one track mind!

    Incidentally, You were just a couple blocks from our studios today. We found Lenny this spring with Betsy's dad, he who admires LB greatly.

    Ahem, those tall trees, unprotected, some will tumble if the worse bears down Sat night-Sun morn. Keeping the fingers crossed for a good show with little real danger if that is at all possible.

  3. Arcadia, ja, en 'ruimte' is die regte woord daarvoor.

    Ellen - what turned out to be, I think, Agaricus subrufescens. The ones I emailed to you... I did not eat them, but should have. Was put off initially by the yellow stain on stem (but not cap). Good smell.

    Not sure if you can see them in this folder in the foraging group on Facebook?

    Anne - thank you. I can't wait, either. Really.

    Frank - really? It wasn't today, though - was...let's see. Saturday. I'll see if I can find what Lenny liked best to eat. With my luck it will be lobster.

  4. I'm concerned about you, your roof and terrace gardens with the coming of Irene. Take care.

  5. Thanks, Gretchen, but don't worry. We will take precautions and remove some pots the terrace-sides, and batten down the roof...

  6. Beautiful. We must revisit soon.

    Note: We are devising an Irene plan as we speak.

  7. Beautiful. Ek kan ure in begrafplase spandeer. Daar is baie stories wat daar rond lĂȘ.

  8. i wonder if mr. macy died of grief, or if mr. & mrs. macy were both sick of something. so many questions can come to mind reading tombstones.

    beautiful tour, as always. batten down the cat.


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