Sunday, August 14, 2011

An armful of hostas

Hosta "Fragrant Bouquet"

I hope that there is someone, somewhere, who has so many fragrant hostas growing out of sight of the main house that they can afford to wade in to whatever shady place that is and pick an armful of the tall stems to bring inside. Because that is what I would like to do.  Growing scented flowers must count as one of the greatest luxuries permitted us.

It is the middle of August. Make it count.


  1. I will pick an armful of tall hosta stems to bring inside, in your name. I didn't know that they were fragrant!! But I will have to sidestep the poison ivy to get them.

    Make August count? Yes, go swimming at least once.

  2. Thank you, Carol! Please take a picture and I'll post it. Not all hostas are fragrant, but many of the later-blooming ones are. Do a sniff test...

  3. Heading out the front door to check now.
    Thank you for the "Light" post. It is beautiful.

  4. I'm with Carol... if any of them are fragrant, they are coming inside. Thanks for the tip.


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