Friday, September 24, 2010

Not another picnic...

On with the show:

Thursday evening and Brooklyn Bridge Park beckoned. So we put our baguette on its leash and walked it to the water.

We walked to the bottom of Atlantic, turned right and north and walked along the bike path, parallel to the East River.

Above, the tree pool where trees still wait to be planted in new parts of the park. The Brooklyn Promenade is above.

Flotsam and jetsam on the rocks.

Is this?

Or is it a lookalike? I did not expect to find Purple Loosestrife in the politically correct bog garden...unless it simply did what it does best and invaded. But is it? I think it is.

There was a sweet little warbler-like bird poised on the stems of plants in the water and then skulking at the water's edge. I must look him up. It's wonderful to see birds here at last.

The harbour lawn was open, at last! It's always closed when we're there. There were three other picnic blankets on the huge lawn.

Our picnic.

A couple ran barefoot down the lawn, jogging. Then they sprinted back up. Then jogged down, then sprinted up, then jogged down. We sipped, and watched. When we left, at last, they were stretching, and sweating.

A chilly wind sprang up (they always spring) from the water.

And a sailing vessel ( a brig? - two masts) glided by.

Chairs and tables have materialized.

I recently spoke to a project manager on a job who said that his brief is not to build benches at the project's very public corner because they 'don't want to encourage people to sit down.'

Fortunately, here, there are lots of places to sit down.

Home again, and crickets singing in the bushes as we walked.


  1. YES, it so is. But you know, despite all the ranting about invasive plant fascism on some sites, fact is people still plant it (and designers still...) and its not illegal to do so here.

    Although I suspect thats a volunteer. It probably walked out of overcrowded City Hall Park, took in the sights of the Brooklyn Bridge, had some ice cream, then thought, you know, I could live in Brooklyn.

    Love the solidago sempervirens on the old beam picture.

  2. Your picnic posts always make my mouth water, those patés look delicious ...

    (if it were not for "invasive" plants, half of my rooftop garden would not exist!)

  3. Such a shame that such a gorgeous plant is an invader. I want it in my garden, but just can't bring myself to introduce it. I'll walk (and picnic) with you all any evening!

  4. Frank, you may be right about tis volunteerism, but it grew fast, as that area's only been planted since early this year.

    Lambert - you're all native on your roof top, yes?

    webb, I know, it is gorgeous. Ca you grow fireweed instead?


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