Friday, September 24, 2010

Blogger changes

Just a heads up that the look of the blog will be changing soon [like, Now]. At all levels I am a revolutionary trapped in a conservative's body and head. That's all I can say about myself. It's a constant struggle. My current template, circa 2007,  is inflexible, so I am aiming for very similar layout with more potential.

9/24/10 - New skin


  1. Marie, I am so looking forward to see what you are going to come up with

  2. I've also been contemplating a change (for my personal blog) but I'm afraid with a single wrong key stroke I'll loose everything! Ridiculous perhaps, but still... Was the transition hard?

  3. Anyes, you see, it's not too different :-)

    Frank - I did!

    Ellen - you can download your current template customizations, etc, before making changes - no worries about losing it.

    It drove me up the wall getting the fonts I liked, and Vince kindly html'd the header and some font spacing for me. But it was either that or miss the bus in terms of future gadgets, as well as not having the picture sizes I want

    Is it too big, by the way?

  4. It really looks sharp and not too big for me. Have a great week-end :-)

  5. Is it too late to comment? love the new header, NOT too big. Whole site looks fresh like it just got a paint job.

    xo JLne


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