Wednesday, September 15, 2010

From the roof

The lush, microgreen lawn this afternoon.

Snipped for dinner.

The basket, carried down in my teeth. No, I still haven't rigged up the rope and basket. Maybe I like living on the edge.

Tomato and green(s) salad. I dressed it with EV olive oil, salt and pepper, nothing more. Enjoyed tonight with braaied beef spare ribs, marinated in mustard, summer savoury, and Worcestershire Sauce with a little brown sugar, cooked outside under a black, bright sky with a nip in the air. With oven-roasted broccoli and garlic slivers.

You know I'm working my way up to fried green tomatoes, right? This afternoon's snack.

I'm about to eat an Edie's pomegranate fruit bar on a stick - I'm hooked. Vince loves the lime. My other loved one is pineapple. No, this is not a paid advertisement. I am a fruitbat and I love frozen fruit, too, so it's a perfect sweet treat for after dinner.

From the terrace next door I can hear gurgling laughter. Nice. Inside, the cat is asleep on an orange chair and we just saw fireworks over the water in New Jersey. What are they always celebrating in New Jersey?

More is nog 'n dag.

(Afrikaans idiom. Tomorrow is another day)


  1. They're celebrating how close they live to NY;)

    Perfect greens growing weather we've been having. Tasty, love those greenish-red (some callem black?) tomatoes.

  2. Fried green tomatoes are the best! You will love them. Enjoy!

  3. Marie,

    The tomatoes look so luscious! And can't wait until you post some pictures of fried green tomatoes.

    As for NJ's celebration? Mexican Independence? Snooki's latest news? Who knows, we are a celebrating bunch! Although I like Frank's idea better, especially because we have the best views of the city!

    By the way, I baked your peach/almond cake and my neighbors and us loved it. Thanks for sharing it.


  4. Het jul 'n braaiertjie op jou stoep, of hoe braai jul? Ek het geen stoepie nie so braai is onmoontlik, en ek mis dit baie.

    En ek hou van die idee van groente op die dak :-)

  5. Frank - their label just said black cherry, though they are more like dark green cherry

    webb - just had them once. Looking forward!

    Hi Maria - yes, you do have the best view


    aan die regterkant van die tweede foto in hierdie link the braaivleisplek. Dis 'n bree koperbak op 'n stand.

  6. Looks wonderful, Marie! I love that your little balcony is supplying you with such goodness.


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