Wednesday, September 15, 2010

edible Brooklyn, Fall

'Gigi Hill' Blue Flint Corn

The Fall edition of edible Brooklyn is on stands and online.

My photo and piece about Christina Kelly's Maize Field is on the back page. It's short, but I am very happy to be included in a magazine whose pages I want to lick every time I read it. When editor Gabrielle Langholtz asked me to write the piece I had no idea that it would also lead to a new obsession with corn, hominy, pozole, and to new friendships.

'Gigi Hill'

In the same edition you will find out what is in Angelique Kidjo's fridge, in Brooklyn Fridge. I had no idea that one of my favorite singers is also my Brooklyn neighbour.

Christina Kelly's Maize Field on Bergen and Smith Streets

Going to find some hard copies now...


  1. Loved your article, congrats.

    Read Angelique Kidjo"s piece.
    Thank you for the link. Truth in everything word she speaks.

    xo Jane

  2. :...there’s not enough moral value in the way we do money. ... We have to find long-term solutions not only profitable for one group of people, but for the whole." Isn't that the bottom line? The REAL bottom line.

  3. Have you listened to Natalie Gamsu. She is a most wonderful singer from South Africa. Her voice and song choices are very interesting. She has one CD "Weave". I wish she would do more. Every once and a while she comes to the US, but mostly stays on the other side of the world.
    Thanks for Angelique Kidjo turn on. Will buy some of her stuff.

  4. I'll send you mine if you send me yours... :) Congrats!


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