Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tribeca rooftop beginnings

My lonely yellow handbag, in spring, with some rather nice graffiti.

Yellow handbag to the left...on pavers. Step One.

Planters have been ordered and will be built in the next few weeks. Irrigation will come in under the pavers, I will start sniffing out plants. Lots of shrubs and some trees.

This is the stage I like best. Blank canvas. Potential. The picture existing, as it were, behind a veil. I can see it, even if it isn't there.


  1. So, do the pavers have to come up so that the irrigation system goes beneath? Do the pavers adhere to the roofing system or do they float? Are all the plantings essentially in containers?

  2. Well, in this particular case the pavers don't make it to the edges of the terrace. Space has been left for the planters, which are going right on the roof membrane, (on protective mats, to prevent any damage to the membrane), along those edges. So the irrigation lines will be laid behind the planters and on the membrane, and beneath the level of the pavers. The pavers are on pedestals, so are floating. All the plantings will be in planters, yes.

  3. So inspiring - to be able to turn these strange, angular, awkward hidden spaces (or maybe just unused spaces) into gardens... What a wonderful job you have, Marie!


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