Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Clematis viticella "Etoile Violette"

...is making me happy, so I chose it as the Plant of the Week, for Shelterpop.

Not only a very fast climber, it will rebloom until early fall. In early spring I will chop it down to the second pair of good shoots, lopping off all of this season's growth. This is a cultivar that dates back to the 1885, when it was developed in Lyon - a classic. Like many clematis it is top-heavy where it blooms best in full sun, and the lore goes that they like their roots cool. I am not sure how cool the roots can be on my terrace, but I have planted tall Thai basil at its feet, which grows quite bushy and hides the threadbare base that I dislike about all clematis.  

1 comment:

  1. It would make me happy, too. But clematis don't like my summers.

    And re: your comment about my having to come back to NY...all I need is the fare!


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