Saturday, June 25, 2011


Us, 2008

Gay marriage is at last legal in New York. The vote in the Senate in Albany came in at 33-29, so almost half the votes remained opposed. WAKE UP! Meanwhile, the State Assembly, the lower house, had passed a marriage equality bill four times.

The right to marry the person you love (and then get divorced...sorry, couldn't resist) is one of the most basic of our human rights.

Can't think of better timing. Sunday's is going to be the gayest Gay Pride ever in New York City.



  1. Well, hoo-bloody-ray! I am happy for all those(gay, straight or closeted)who may now be able to live happily.

  2. Well, marriage certainly is no guarantee of happiness, but:

    'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'

  3. OMG I was out last night and didn't check when I got home, so this is my eye opening morning news.

    But now I'm crying because I'm so happy and I can't see to type.

    It's amazing when the door open another inch or two. Just amazing.

    xo J.

  4. 'the pursuit of happiness'

    I'm going to post-it on my computer, so easy to forget.

  5. we won't be the "united states" until there is equality in all fifty states.

    then the celebration will be amazing.

  6. Way to go, New York! We're working here in CA to make ALL marriage legal once again. My brother and his husband are one of the 18,000 couples who married during the time it was legal here. The haters who got Prop 8 passed are still feverishly looking for ways to invalidate those marriages as well.

    "Pursuit of happiness" ... what a concept!


  7. And then there's Virginia - home to every kind of phobia you can think of. The Robertson/Fallwell crowd pushed thru one of those stupid "defense" of marriage laws here.

    It's embarrassing to live here!

    Congrats to all the New Yorkers, and to all those who can now take a nifty vacation in the Big Apple and come home hitched.

    Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus... just not in Virginia.

  8. And I am super excited of course! Found you by way of "small but charming" Love your blog so I am following greetings from Texas!


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