Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tomato sandwich

I think this might be the best thing I have ever tasted.

Striped German, Black Krim, both from the roof; mayonnaise, butter, salt, lots of pepper, brown bread.

I think this was my first tomato sandwich. Ever.

It just can't get better than this.

(Can it?)


  1. We called them kitchen sink sandwiches when I was younger. I just made a BLT with my own hard-to-grow-in-this-climate tomatoes. So special!

  2. I discovered your blog a week or so ago and have subscribed. Need to tell you how much I'm enjoying it -- thank you!

  3. Is the mayo homemade? That's the best!

  4. Hands down my favorite summer sandwich.

    Haven't had one yet.


    xo J.

  5. Oh, yeah! I've practically lived on tomato sandwiches this summer . . . but I've never put butter on them. Will have to try that. There might not be enough calories with just the substantial dollop of mayo.

  6. Who said simpler is better? As long as everything in the simple is the best there is.

  7. Must be eaten over a kitchen sink. Nothing better on this planet.

  8. That's the most beautiful tomato sandwich I have ever seen. I used to say that tomato sandwich was my favorite meal, but I meant the heirloom ones my grandmother used to grow. They still rank really high on my favorites list. :)

  9. That looks so good. One of my favourites is really good tomateos sliced onto well-buttered toast, then sprinkled with salt and pepper. My mouth just watered.

  10. My grandmother and her siblings (all from West Virginia) would eat these all summer long, and each one was a treat--and a whole meal. The other day I had the first of the summer from my garden--for me it's white sandwich bread (I know, but trust me on this one), toasted, then spread with butter after slightly cooled, then cracked pepper, then an inch-thick slice from the midsection of a giant Cherokee purple. And then nothing. Need to keep it simple! I wish these would fall back in favor/fashion--especially so I could order it off the menu instead of trying to get a server to understand what I want!

  11. I am jealous. I didn't have time to set up the garden this year. I had hopes and plans but time flew past, and I know that unless I put up a secure fence the deer will eat it. (They already get the apples and pears that drop before fully ripening, or that the bees/ants have gotten to before I pick. I don't mind sharing, but they take ALL of the tomatoes.)

  12. I eat one everyday with my beautiful Jersey heirlooms, swiped w/ Hellman's on toasted whole grain.

  13. Try coeur de boeuf. Very fleshy, low in seeds and free juice, satisfyingly sweet with low acid. Sogs up the bread less than most.


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