Monday, August 13, 2012

Figs are ripe!

I picked the main crop of figs.

Next year I am going to have to prune the little tree. Not just the roots, but the branches. Production has dropped off, as the tree put out little new green growth at the tips, this year - that is where the main crop forms, on the new soft wood. 

I collected over a dozen, but it was not the bonanza of former years. 

They tasted wonderful.

We ate them with paper-thin prosciutto and pink sparkling wine.

There are enough for one more salad.


  1. Lovely,

    Does the tree over winter on your terrace?

  2. First the tomato sandwich and now the ripe figs.

    you're killing me talls.

    xo J.

  3. Same experience here, slightly north of you, with my fig tree in container. Left outdoors during our unusually mild winter, did not make leaves, I thought I had killed it for sure! Pruned off any part that looked like it might be dead and the tree is now lush and bears fruit wherever there is a leaf. So now I plan to prune a bit harder next year for shape and vitality...and to put it in the garage over the winter.

  4. Delish! We have just returned from Sicily, where the figs were dropping off the trees in our little garden - we ate for breakfast with plain yoghurt and local honey. Or straight off the branches, warmed by the afternoon sun, greedily like kids with sweeties!

    The food in Sicily - have you ever been? The best, most juicy peaches and figs, the fattest almonds and the seafood - really, it was simple perfection. You would love eating there I am sure of it!xx

  5. yes, what do you do with it in the winter? Here in MA, Smith College has a fig that it BURIES (from the roots up- keeping the roots in place) under soil each winter. Fig: a very interesting plant for the new weather.

  6. Rob and Sara - the fig is not protected in the winter. Having said that, this is an east-facing terrace protected from west winds. It has survived many below-freezing temperatures.

    Belinda, I have not been to Sicily, and would love to :-)

  7. A friend of mine has a fig tree in his garden, against a south facing fence. It is never protected and continues to grow (now over 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide)in spite of random pruning and English weather. Again this summer, a bumper crop :)


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