Thursday, April 5, 2012

Up on the roof

The favas are pushing out good looking leaves. Soon, they will be salad.

The blueberry flowers are about to open.

And I would show you more, but Blogger is being temperamental about uploading images. So I'll just go back to working on my Edibles on the Edge presentation, where I am currently dealing with tomatoes...

It is a beautiful spring day. There are daffodils on the table sending daffodil smells to the amygdala for future reference. Tomorrow I meet webb for lunch at Fiorello, and on Sunday my mom touches down at JFK.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


  1. I just love your blog! I mentioned your blog on my blog because you're so inspirational.

  2. Your little garden is special. I enjoy reading about it. Nice blog.

  3. The blooms are already gone on my blueberries, and the plants are loaded with berries. They're small yet, but they're there. Daffodils are long gone here, and irises are beginning to bloom. This morning my grandson asked about "the white stuff" on the lawn. It took a second for me to realize he's talking about the white bracts falling from the dogwoods. They're more green than white now.

  4. You can eat the leaves of fava beans? I have never planted them, but bought seed to plant them this fall (zone 8b, it gets too hot too quick down here to start them now.)

    Good to know you can eat the leaves.

  5. Oh I'm so jealous hope you and Webb have a delicious chat and lunch:-)

    xo jane

  6. Favas are exceptionally attractive bean plants, aren't they? That's a lovely picture too. Hope spring is good to you and your roof.

  7. Your blueberries are ahead of mine, too, tho that seems odd, doesn't it? Have scoped out the neighborhood and found Fiorello's. (Still can't find anyone adventurous enough to tackle the subway with me!)

    12:30 in your lovely city!

  8. webb - are you catching cabs everywhere?


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