Friday, April 27, 2012

Fluffy coffee

I love the milk fluffer. Vince says I must stop calling it a fluffer. OK. I love the milk foamer.


  1. Yes- we love ours too! May we never darken Starbucks' doorstep again.

  2. Marie, where did you get yours? I can never find one that works that well.

  3. Deb - where did you find yours, see Dervla's question below..

    Hi Dervla :-)- ours came from Cape Town, where they seem to be a standard supermarket item! If you can't find one here I'll put in request to have one mailed...I mailed this one to Vince and it arrived unscathed.

  4. Couldn't live without ours. It's a "Froth au Lait" bought online.

  5. I think fluffer is cute and very appropriate, as it's like putting a lovely little spoonful of fluffy cloud on your coffee. It's the little touches that are such a delight, isn't it?

  6. Hahahahahaha.

    Urban dictionary, anyone? Sorry, I am immature. I also like fluffy milk and my espresso machine indeed does the trick every time. More power to you and your coffee fluffer. ;)


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