Friday, April 13, 2012

Once upon a spring in New York

East 1st Street

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Spring Street

Bergen Street subway

Brooklyn, somewhere

Henry Street


  1. This weekend is the 100th Anniversary of the DC Cherry Blossom Festival. The window in my library here in the Natural History Museum looks out over the National Archives and National Gallery of Art, towards the Capital Building. It looks like a million man march is going on. The lines to get into these places are wrapped, two and three times, around the buildings.

    And the thing is, our blossoms have come and gone. I fear there will be angry parents with humvee-sized strollers.

    We might have to hop a train to New York and sit under your blossoms, laughing at the tourists back home and what they are missing.

    Enjoy the mother-daughter time, and of course, the flowers!

  2. I love peeking in that bag!!


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