Monday, April 16, 2012

Pink at the BBG

After my class at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden yesterday I strolled back to the subway through the humming 5 o'clock cherry blossoms.

The best view of them is up high.

If I were allowed to, I would create a cherry blossom picnic. There would have to be pink champagne. But no picnics allowed. Uncivilized.

While I talked about gardening at the BBG, my mom and Vince visited Grand Central, Momofuku (pork buns and smoked chicken wings) and...Best Buy. My mother needed a new camera. Best Buy makes my ears buzz.

Then again, so do blossoms. And so did the High Line on Saturday. There's a lot left on our list (um, and back to Grand Central to return a very expensive and very smelly wild boar sausage - long story) and I must muster a Litter Mob tomorrow.

No, I will not take my mother to the woods. There are limits.


  1. So lovely! We have grey skies here today and rain. I'm sure your mother thanks you for excusing her from Litter Mob duty!

  2. The cherry trees are beautiful! I wonder how the grass stays so green with all those people walking on it. Must be a good place for people-watching.

    What camera did your mother buy?

  3. If your mother is going to get more Blenheim Bouquet for your father, don't go to Saks, go to Pasteur Pharmacy on 34th. Not a big detour from Grand Central. .

  4. Thank you for an informative and inspiring class at BBG. My photos of the blossoms are nowhere near as beautiful as yours!

  5. I hope the class was successful!

  6. Dontatella, and we have an early day of summer...

    dianefaith - an S100 (Canon), latest version of my little camera.

    Anonymous - who are you? :-)

    joy - thank you for signing up! You are very kind...

    Laurence - I hope so, too...eep.

  7. The blossom abundance is too beautiful.

    Delighted (and envious) to hear you mention Momofuku - I came across it mentioned online last weekend while I was searching for the perfect sticky Chinese pork rib recipe. Strangely, I now can't access the link


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