Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Conservatory Garden

My mom and I took the 6 train up the West Side and then walked towards the NE corner of Central Park and the tulips I hoped would be in bloom.

They were. In the great formal circle they had just started to open on the north side (south facing) while their compatriots in the southern half remained in bud.

We sat under the allee of crabapples and had our picnic lunch, listening to birds and sniffing the pale pink air.

The English Garden in spring, just to the south,  is not subtle.

On its sloped edges is a woodland planting, pale green and interesting, while inside the clipped hedges muscari and daffodils run riot.

The old crabapples dropped soft blossoms in the breeze as we walked beneath them.

We left quite happy.


  1. Jealous that being just a bit farther north than you, we do not yet have anything close to all the color you have. But also satisfied that the NYC gardens are putting on a show during your mom's visit.

  2. It's been years since I've been to New York and then I was confined to the concrete and skyscrapers. You're changing my conception of the city entirely.

  3. One of my favourite places in NYC. I heard designer Lynden Miller speak last year. She's that rare gift: outspoken critic, catalyst for change, and defender and creator of beauty in the public realm.

  4. A beautiful gardens indeedI also enjoyed all the beautiful blooms of various plants in the garden thank you for sharing...

  5. Was thinking last night of bringing my mom and sister (also visiting) up to the Conservancy but have never been this early and wasn't sure what kind of bulb display they had (should have known it'd be impressive!).

    There is a community garden on W 89th St between Columbus and Amsterdam that has a beautiful tulip showing right now. They also have some nice vegetable beds and a bit more architecture than most neighborhood gardens. Very nice right now, if you're in the area.

  6. Is that a black olive dip included in your picnic spread? If it is, can you include a recipe? I love the stuff but can't find a good recipe.

  7. Thanks for the garden tip, Kohler

    Anonymous, I'm afraid I don't make tapenade the same way twice so don't have a tested recipe for you. I pit a lot of black olives (quality of olive is important). Add some capers, olive oil, a little vinegar, whoosh. Sometimes I add an anchovy or two. Once I added parmesan instead of anchovies.

  8. Wish I'd known you were in the hood!

  9. I have been to New York twice and loved it. I am excited for my son who is visiting there next month for the first time. There is nothing like New York and your pictures make me want to hop on a plane tomorrow.

  10. Glad spring is happening in New York for Maureen.
    Your picnic looks delicious and as sophisticated, as usual...

  11. Marlette Compion-VenterApril 13, 2012 at 4:01 AM

    WOW! Jou foto's is SO pragtig. Dis een van my hartsbegeertes om NY toe te gaan. Tot dan, stap ek vicariously in jou voetspore. Ek lief jou blog.


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