Friday, October 21, 2011

Mushroom Q and A

New York-based mycologist and renowned mushroomer Gary Lincoff is answering mushroom questions in the Times' CityRoom. The first answers are up today, along with photographs. They are fascinating. You'll see my image of an 'old man of the woods' (Strobilomyces that Freudian?) in Slide 9. I could not ID them when we were on Staten Island nearly two months ago, as I had only ever seen their old, shaggy form;  so I walked past about  a dozen edible specimens! Anyway, visit the piece, there are some wonderful images.

For more New York mushroom news, read Andy Newman's great story in the Times about the New York Mycological Society's annual hunt at Woodlawn Cemetary in the Bronx. You see! I am not the only weirdo in town.

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