Friday, October 21, 2011


I had not realized until I really looked at this satellite image that Green-wood, above left, is about as big as Prospect Park, right. Click on the link above to see them in relation to each other. Once you are within its unexpected hills, and endless views of more hills, and and more trees, you feel as though you have landed somewhere very green and quite foreign. 

Last weekend we spotted  pink carpets of persicaria.

Just a few trees had started to turn.

There were the mushrooms, of course.

And then there were the parrots.

Parrot gargoyles? 

Forgive the poor-quality up-feather pictures but I could not resist. Parrots in Brooklyn. 


  1. There are many wonderful webpages devoted to the parrots of Brooklyn. Most are along southern part of Flatbush ave. They are amazing to see amidst the jerk chicken places

    Most agree they came from a big broken crate at JFK in the 60's

    Never seen them in greenwod. Cool stuff

  2. How fun. That's one thing about the country, we never see wild parrots. Amy

  3. Hey Chris- I've met the Pelham Bay parrots, but not the jerk chicken parrots (jerk parrot?)...

    Amy - city birds. Weird.

  4. we even have them on this side of the river…along River Road in Edgewater and up on the cliffs of North Bergen close to West Side Avenue which lays near the Hackensack Meadowlands Conservation and Wiildlife area. Not so sure about the broken crate theory, but which every way they got here is beside the point, they are just wonderful to watch and listen too.

  5. Myiospitta monachus, Quaker Parrots or Monk Parakeets, are now established in 14 states.


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