Thursday, October 8, 2009

Roof garden plant list

Above from left to right: Viburnum dilatatum "Michael Dodge" (linden arrowwood), Hakonechloa macra (Japanese ribbon grass), Chionanthus virginicus (fringe tree), Ilex crenata, Dryopteris erythrosora "Brilliance" (Autumn fern), Viburnum plic. tom. "Mariesii" (doublefile viburnum), Azalea "Hardy Begonia" (blooms spring and fall), Camellia "Winter's Snowman", Fargesia rufa "Green Panda" (clumping bamboo).

Small trees and bamboos:

(4) Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"- Japanese maple
(1) Acer palmatum "Dissectum Atropurpureum"– Japanese cutleaf maple
(1) Magnolia stellata "Royal Star"star magnolia
(2) Franklinia alatamaha
(1) Chionanthus virginicusfringe tree
(1) Corylopsis spicatawinter hazel
(1) Hamamelis x intermedia "Diane" -witch hazel, red blooms.
(5) Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis‟ - running yellow groove bamboo. Not a slow grower. Will, at some point, require arduous root pruning. Hard to recommend for containers unless that is ALL you are putting in there. We are sinking ours in thick plastic pots within in the main planters. It's an experiment.
(3) Fargesia rufa – clumping bamboo. Much better behaved.


(7) Azalea “Hardy Begonia”
(3) Corylopsis pauciflora - buttercup winterhazel
(5) Ilex crenata Helleri
(3) Hydrangea paniculata Grandiflora
(3) Hydrangea “Pinky Winky”
(3) Hydrangea quercifolia – oakleaf hydrangea
(2) Viburnum plicatum tomentosum “Mariesii”
(3) Viburnum dilatatum “Michael Dodge”
(2) Viburnum x burkwoodii “Mohawk”
(1) Edgeworthia papyrifera


(25) Hakonechloa macra "Beni Kaze" – Japanese forest grass
(15) Thelypteris decursive-pinnata – Japanese beech fern
(12) Dryopteris erythrosora “Brilliance” – Autumn fern
(12) Tiarella wherryi – foam flower
(6) Tiarella cordifolia “Dark Star” - foam flower
(12) Selaginella moellendorffii – gemmiferrous spikemoss

Above: Hydrangea quercifolia, already turning.

Below: Viburnum plicatum tomentosum "Mariesii" (phew).

Corylopsis pauciflora, a little confused and beginning to open.

Many buds on Camellia "Winter's Snowman".

The soft bunny feet of Magnolia stellata.

Hydrangea paniculata "Grandiflora."

Viburnum dilatatum "Michael Dodge."


  1. Thankyou,Marie. Even though almost all are beyond me, I have, at various times, grown most of these.
    I'm guessing your camellia is C. sasanqua?
    And good luck with the rudely rambunctious bamboo!

  2. Dinahmow-

    'Winter's Snowman' -- [C.sasanqua 'Narumi-gata' x C.hiemalis 'Shishi-gashira'] x C.oleifera 'Plain Jane' . Vigorous, upright to columnar growth. Lends itself to making a tall, narrow hedge. Leaves leathery, semi-glossy, dark green. Flowers are white, semi-double to mostly anemone, slightly cupped. Blooms from mid-November through December. Cold hardy to -23° C.


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