Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blogging for the big boys

My blogging life will become a little more official soon, when I start a weekly post for AOL's Shelterpop blog. I will be focusing on gardens and plant-related Stuff, not too different from what I do chez 66 Square Feet, but rather more focused, I think! It's a novel idea, blogging for pretty decent pay, and not unwelcome, I must say. I have Allison Mezzafonte to thank for this foray into the mainstream: she was a fellow judge for the BBG's Greenest Block in Brooklyn Competition, and is the Senior Editor for AOL's Home and Garden. She is also training for the New York Marathon. Phew.

It does mean that it will take a day from my personal blogging, but hopefully it won't be noticed. In the meantime I am wading through the necessary legalese and taking more seriously whom I photograph from which angle and with what permission. Jeepers.

I think I'll stick to plants, and what can be done with (or to) them.


  1. Hi Marie..you're new foray into blogworld sounds pretty fun and exciting....congratulations !

    Now, you really have my interest on the "kinda veal stock'.

    And YES ! I did say Vincent Price. Of all my zillions of cookbooks, one of my favorites is still my beloved "Treasury of Great Recipes" by Mary and Vincent Price. I have had it forever. It is long out of print but I have seen them on Alibris.....

    And we are cozy by the fire...the rain hit here about 5 this morning....

    More later,

  2. Congratulations! I am sure it will be wonderful. Please post a link from here so we can find you over there at Shelterpop when you do your first post.

  3. Congrats, Marie! Another blog to add to my "read every day" list...


  4. congratulations Marie.... hope you enjoy your new endeavour...

    we had -15C the past mornings here in Calgary .. there are still plenty of bordeaux coloured leaves on the pin cherry and Mayday..the weeping birch have hardly turned yellow...and ... accckkkkk .... now there is about 2 inches of snow on them ... our sprinklers have not even been blown out yet! it's toooo early.. although the robins may have known it was coming...they got all the berries off the Mayday a week early this year. Maybe they knew something we didn't... they usually leave on the 15th..but, they might have taken off a few days early this year....by the weekend.... it is supposed to be +11C again.... but, I think golf is done for the season.

  5. Kary, um, smallvoice, stock...c.u.b.e.

    Lovely - rain on roof sounds?

    Lily H - thank you, and I shall :-)

    Thank you Keli'i! Keess to Ikaika ^^

    Thanks Mel :-) Your piercing post was very funny.

    Thanks so much Gianna :-)

    Hi m....Thank you, Ms <3

    Thanks Dinahmow..

    And BV - what a great weather report. Are you serious???? -15'C. Unbelievable. Snow, red leaves, confusing and beautiful.

  6. Congratulations Marie! How exciting! I especially love the pay part. You always have the coolest jobs...Maybe we should trade careers. :)


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