Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Street Tulips

At the handball courts between East 1st and East Houston.

Which reminds me: time to break out the tennis racket.


  1. Pity about the rubbish, but I love those bulbs planted in the old stump!

  2. Yeah, the garbage freaks me out too...

  3. I thought the rubbish was quite funny...

    Whaddayagonna do?

    But, partly as a result of taking that picture, and crossing the miserable median back to work, I'm speaking to an outreach co-ordinater from Greenstreets tomorrow, to see about helping to look after the little park and median in our immediate work-neighborhod. Sometimes I see what seem to be community service-ordered persons sweeping up, but otherwise the area is not reachable - behind a locked gate. I have great hopes for the median, in the middle of East Houston Street, too. Flowers! Good smells! Pollinators!I'm hoping to start a friendly median competition in New York...My strip's better than your strip, etc.

    It will be a garden eats garden city. I'll post more as I learn more.

  4. What do you play with? Bobo's hair balls? They're kinda like Nike's Air tennis balls but hairy-er... and slimy.

  5. Estorbo doan' maghe no hairballs.


  6. Yay! A median clean-up campaign. Go for it, Marie. I'd help if it wasn't for "the commute." ;-)

  7. Yay! A median clean-up campaign. Go for it, Marie. I'd help if it wasn't for "the commute." ;-)


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