Thursday, April 23, 2009

And they're back...

One of many self-seeded bronze fennels. Beautiful feathery fronds, good for anything a la Grecque; late season yellow flowers, favourites of pollen-heavy bees, good fresh seeds...

Green garlic sprouting with the leftover arugulas, refugees from the squirrel.

My favourite, the calamintha - like a resurrection. Peppermint nose and frothy white flowers.

The fig setting embryonic fruit and leaves. The third crop succeeded last year. This year I did not wrap the little tree, just brought it down to the floor of the terrace.


  1. This weekends gonna add alot of leaf to those guys.

  2. Dreenk in the park sounds great! As does a dreenk out of the park :) Am around this weekend ...

    The pink wall looks really lovely. great color for Estorbo, too.


  3. Bronze the site loaded, I thought "grevillea seedling!"

  4. I planted bronze fennel straight into my borders last year. They are coming up a treat. x


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