Thursday, April 23, 2009


In Petra Muller's short story Verbeel Jou Nou Dit (Imagine That), in her collection Desembers (Tafelberg, Cape Town, 2007), Altus Louw says, Ek is 'n man met blombehoeftes.

I am a man with flower needs.

Well, that is the sort of woman I am.

Then he goes on to say: Ek voel altyd 'n vreeslike ding oor my kom as ek tussen blomme is. 'n Aansteeklikheid.

I always feel a terrible thing coming over me when I amongst flowers. Something contagious.

With me, it just means I want more flowers. In Namaqualand in South African springs I have wanted to roll in them.

The crabapples opened this week of April.

The Kate Winslet crabapple is opening in Cobble Hill Park. I will take better pictures tomorrow when the sky will be blue. It still looks like Kate: creamy, smooth, soft, guileless.


  1. I, too, am a man with flower needs. One flower.

  2. I love the pics and the colour combo on that tulip is fantastic. x


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