Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring continued

I take back what I said about a Go Slow on blogging. There is too much to see at the moment to be quiet about it. The Callery Pears at Herald Square were in full froth yesterday. We popped into Macy's to check out their J&R Express (too small for our RAM needs) and were overwhelmned by FLOWERS. I had forgotten about the Macy's Flower Show.

In Central Park my violet craving was satisfied. If only I could have picked a posy. I had to lean far over one of the ubiquitous wire fences to get this picture. It would be so nice if they were removed. It's like looking at a plant zoo behind bars.

The lawns are intensely lawn-coloured.

1 comment:

  1. you're so right about those fences. when i'm in the city i have an almost overwhelming urge to weed every garden and flower bed i pass by, i'm so accustomed to doing it at home.


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