Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring on all fronts - nowhere to hide...

Crabapples and Kanzans, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn

Green garlic, herbs, flowers and nemesias (below), at GRDN, on Hoyt Street, Boerum Hill. South African nemesias are a wonderful cool weather alternative to day in day out violas and pansies.

Dogwood in Brooklyn Heights.

An ephemeral spring window box on Columbia Heights, in Brooklyn Heights.

"Martha Washington" geraniums (pelargoniums, actually, and thank South Africa for these, too!) in Brooklyn Heights.

Tulips at the Promenade...

A hidden garden, behind a locked iron gate, on 10th Street in the East Village. Phlox and Lily of the Valley.

Spring green and fire escapes on East 7th Street.

Kerria japonica, yet another unfavourite of mine that I am seeing in a happier light. It is planted in a narrow, rootbound squeeze underneath plane trees between green chain link and the sidewalk on 2nd Avenue in the East Village, and fronted by yellow daffodils. En masse, it is wonderful.

And a discrete tulip in 6BC. Wait till you see the ones in Central Park. Manana.


  1. Now that's an excellent spring trip 'round NY.

    Great images.

  2. It doesn't seem five minutes since everything was covered in snow, I always find it wonderful how Nature just bounces back!

  3. It has busted out BIG time.


    enjoy. xoxo

  4. I want that window box. Well, actually both of them!

  5. I can't believe I am missing the crabapples! Maybe tomorrow I can get out to photograph them on my way to work. Must!

    Plants love a cold winter, and they love snow cover to protect them. It shows. Or do I just think it shows because it was such a long winter?!

    The Kerria just proves any plant is worth it if its done right.

  6. Ag, Marie. Jou lente maak my baie gelukkig.


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