Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The next Litter Mob - 5/24

The next Litter Mob is on  5/24 at 9am sharp. Corner of East Drive and Center Drive, the Midwood, Prospect Park, just south of the zoo.

We need intrepid, woods-loving volunteers!

Trash-grabbers, two kinds of gloves, bags and birdsong will be provided.

David Chadwick, who works for Natural Resources and who accompanies us, is a fund of knowledge so you will also be kept interested and informed. Volunteer Darren is the star finder of interesting trash, so stick with him and you may find jelly beans, skateboards or a new wardrobe. If you stay with Vince you will learn all there is to know about poison ivy or French declensions. Walk with me and I will show you jewelweed, so that poison ivy is not a problem.  Or I can walk you through oyster mushrooms 101. If Paulo is with us, brush up on your Portuguese and Brazilian geography; Amy and Brenda - life behind the blogs of Brooklyn. Alexa - how to live (and cook?) with someone who paints pork. Not sure if Frank can make it but if he does, learn how to start a beach farm.  Look up and you will see birds and sky and gorgeous old trees. Look down and you'll see mushrooms, ferns, wildflowers and...

...well, that's why we will be there.

Word is spreading and so is interest, from the top and from the bottom, but it translates slowly to extra bodies on the ground. We do need help, and promise to be as amusing as possible in exchange.

Email me at

marieyviljoen   at   gmail    dot   com


  1. I can't believe you filled all those bags! I'll be there unless I broke my foot(an untold story).

  2. Yes Sir, that's a lot of condoms!

    Glad your foot has recovered - see you tomorrow!


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