Wednesday, May 25, 2011


After cleaning ourselves up - rubbing alcohol (against poison ivy) and interestingly hot water and soap (oh, you know, all the stuff that goes with soiled tissue paper, used condoms - 100's and 100's - and god knows what else) - at home after our trashorama in the Midwood in Prospect Park today I mixed mega, like, mega mojitos, with terrace mint. Then we felt clean.

Chatted to the cat. Made pork tonnato. Picked some roses. Cos that's all there is, really. 

Fodde? Afrikaans slang for pooped. Tuckered out, on an elemental level. Finished. Klaar. 


  1. Well done for doing amazing things again today, Marie - you deserve the mojitas! Look forward to hearing about the day.

    I love the pic of the balcony - beautiful, beautiful! And in the background, a church that could be straight from our parish in the middle of England. I'm curious about it - do you ever walk over that way?

  2. you are jolly good fellows. the balcony looks amazing already.

  3. Hazel - thanks, though I will be quieter about our efforts in future (it's beginning to sound like, Ooh, clever me, look what we're doing), although I still hope we gather more helpers along the way, so I shall report on the pick ups and advertise the next one... It's a depressing job in various ways.

    The church, yes, it's only a few blocks away...

    Donna, thank you. Now if only I can figure out the reason my new camera hates blue when it is in the dusk/shade/under cloud cover :-)

  4. Your terrace is gorgeous and your efforts laudable

  5. Man, I am so jealous of your NYC weather. I'm starting to think the Pacific Northwest is going to skip summer altogether this year.

  6. How lovely your balcony looks!

    Enjoy your tipple, you deserve it!

  7. The balcony looks lovely and inviting... as does the mojito:-) A wonderful place to relax after a hard job well done,

  8. Oh your roses are beautiful! News on the strawberry front - I think I see a flower bud. Will keep you updated, but for now Yeeeee Haaaaaaa!

  9. Wat n ontdekking - jou blog is n kleinood. Estelle, Kaapstad.


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