Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Summer marches across the sky. It is fireworks day in the US of A.

We may see some from the roof tonight, if someone in Jersey, across New York Harbor, sees fit to fire into the sky. The big show is in the Hudson and we will not see that. At least...I don't think. I am tempted, because it is spectacular, but it will probably mean a whole lot of standing and as of last weekend and the train that never came, my back has resigned from standing. But I have encouraged the Frenchie and his collection of lenses to visit Jersey to take pictures. I hope he does.


The East River has been neglected for years, now, in terms of the major fireworks display. Grump. I suppose Queens and Brooklyn don't count as much as Jersey, That Other State, does. I mean, between these two eastern boroughs of NYC we can only scare up a combined population of just over 4,700,000 people (2010 census). Or is it because Jersey recently came 4th overall in a national beach pollution test by the Natural Resources Defence Council, and was the 4th cleanest?! And New York City beaches came 24th, with one of the lowest scores, and the most sewage (- and how much of that runoff flows down the Hudson, huh, huh?)!

I knew swimming off the Rockaways was a bad idea.


Have a raspberry. They are a good match for cold white wine.

And, yes. That is an ice cube in the wine.

Good for Grumps.


  1. I'm grumpy today, too. Just got home from exceedingly long and frustrating day, poured a (large) glass of wine, and sat down to quietly read your blog. Which made me chuckle.

  2. Sounds to me like a serious case of borough discrimination.

    Hope you have a lovely day ... or enough wine not to care.

  3. Dear Ms. GrumpyPants,
    I suggest watermelon on the 4th of July. Chilled and delicious. It's working for me. *grin*

  4. Rosie - hope the day got better. What was the wine?

    webb - indeed :-)

    Donatella - but there is no locally ripe watermelon yet. GRUMP!

    (Ok. I'll cheat.)

  5. I'm finding all the gratuitous political diatribey stuff a weird way to celebrate the 4th. (This from a northern neighbour observing some of the Facebook commentary.) Much better to be grumping than dumping, I'd say! And Happy Independence Day.

  6. Thanks, Janet. And yes, Facebook does get a bit (more?) embarrassing around now.

  7. Marie - a La Motte red blend that was really reasonably priced at Woolworths, and thus tested liberally by me to determine if it was drinking wine or to be tossed into the lamb stewing pot. It stood the test, and Boekenhoutskloof's Wolftrap went into the pot :)


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