Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The log lady

I am the proud owner of a log.

A few days ago a long box addressed to me from Virginia was left by FedEx in the hallway downstairs. It was very heavy, so I left it there for the Frenchman.

Inside was this log. A very heavy log. I'm not sure what tree it is. Possibly locust? Webb, who (very generously) sent the log, had already explained everything to me, and so I knew that it had inoculated with shitake mushrooms spores. If all goes well and I water it as I should, one day I will have mushrooms. First, I water it twice a day. Then, when I see the mycorrhizal network forming, I must...soak it for 24 hours in the bath. Hm.

Even if it never mushrooms, I like the log. Logs are nice, and I have always wanted one. The cat's scratching pole isn't a proper log. It was stolen from Flatbush Avenue years ago by one of the cat's admirers and is very splintery, but the feline liked it, so it moved with us.

I leave you with the original log lady.


  1. Good luck with your mushroom farming, Marie! I gave everyone windowsill mushroom farms from "Back To The Roots" this year for Christmas. Wish I'd kept one for myself.

  2. The Log Lady...what the beejeezlehoop?

    Rain returned at 1am...I'll have fungoidal things all over the place now!I wonder if shiitake would grow here?

  3. Do hope it grows and grows and grows some more. Don't know anyone who would be more happy to forage her own 'shrooms!

  4. Twin peaks- pure genuis, thank you Marie!

    Does this mean I can bring home one of the chicken in the wood stumps I spotted?

    Don't worry won't touch the greenbelt one, it's for when you visit next x

  5. Marie,
    Come out to NJ, about 20 miles from downtown Manhattan, where we have mushrooms on logs in our backyard for your foraging! It would be our pleasure to have you!
    (we also have crazy heirloom tomatoes and basil for the picking!).


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