Monday, July 29, 2013

Figs in July

Stacey asked me recently about the origin of these figs.

Not the terrace, for sure. I bought them at Mr Kim's on Atlantic, a box for $3.99 and assumed they had trekked across the country, racking up carbon miles. However, they may have come from this coast - I looked at my terrace posts from last year and see I ate my own breba figs from our little tree last June. Breba is that first, less abundant crop that a fig produces, from old wood. The main crop grows from new green branches, produced this year - and because my main crop was so small last year, I hacked the fig back this February (and then spent five months wringing my hands and wailing, What have I done?*).

So, back to these figs. I don't know where they came from. But they were very good, sweet, with  a hint of tartness. And yes, I peel figs.

Don't you?

There is a fig salad recipe in my book. Not quite like this one.

* I should add that our fig is fine and pushing out lots of new growth, as well as small, green figs. 


  1. Does one have to peel figs? I've always eaten them whole (minus the stem, of course) and now wonder what made me think this is right....Kate

  2. i don't peel them, although i do get that funny feeling on my tongue sometimes, so i kind of just turn them inside out so that the skin doesn't touch my tongue and then i eat them, i like the firm skin with the soft inside.

  3. You and I are always on the same food page...........Hellman's on tomato sandwiches and figs from California!
    I spent way more than 3.99 on the box, and since they were so lame, I grilled them and paired them w/ Buratta cheese and mint and balsamic drizzle, of course.

    No one could tell (or asked) where the figgies were from. shhhhh.

  4. PS My figs are kadota, I love black mission the best, calyrna, second.
    I have never peeled a fig, will try it!

  5. Sorry to read about your fig tree. I also read cutting back was good for the tree, but perhaps it depends on the fig variety.

    Figs from my tree are not peeled, in fact they usually don't make it into the house.

    1. I added a note to the effect that the fig tree is fine, despite the hand wringing. It got off to a slow start.

      I also don't usually peel my own figs, the skin is so smooth and silky. But taking off that thing layer does seems to add a layer of indulgence to the brief mouthful.

      Figs from far away feel different, have been handed a lot, perhaps sprayed, and can't really be washed.

  6. OK, I will try peeling my figs! Never done it but always interested in enhancing the indulgence factor.

  7. Oooh ... I'm afraid I don't have the patience to peel figs. They rarely even make it to the platter of goat cheese or the salad without being eaten. Just sayin'.


  8. Hi Marie,

    Did you know that in Morocco they pick and eat some (most? all?) their figs while they are still small and green and cook them with the other vegetables that go in cous cous.


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