Friday, July 26, 2013

Blueberry and peach cake

This is an old favourite, ever since Nigel Slater first wrote about it for The Guardian. My latest version - yesterday's - has been tweaked even more.

Butter and sugar content were, well, not exactly slashed, but trimmed. Blueberries increased, since I have bagfuls in the freezer from early July's bounty on the roof, which the Frenchman thoughtfully froze for me. The berries are huge. Also, some black raspberries from the roof made it in. But those were incidental.

The updated recipe is at 66 Square Feet (the Food).

This is such good cake. Moist, fruity; excellent for breakfast, tea, coffee or crisis.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. I'm in trouble. I have to have this.
    There are raspberries in my garden and peaches in my fruit bowl (too many - eyes bigger than my belly, but not for long, eh?)I love Nigel Slater - his recipes, style, presentation... Thank you Marie, I feel like I've been given a present. Yum : )


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