Monday, October 29, 2012

The calm...

This was early Sunday evening in the hood. The food lines in stores had returned to normal again, and we prowled to a nearby hardware store for duck tape. I wanted to corral some of the smaller roof pots together to make a nice, heavy, unblowable nest.

Supper was pizza, with terrace sage. I had to hunt the pot down, and found it at last under a chair. In the gutter of Raccoon House, next door, the affable owner did some last minute water proofing, about 30 years too late. He tinkered on into the dark, I kneaded dough.

Sunday night.


  1. Famous Blue Raincoat by Leonard Cohen:

    It's four in the morning, the end of December
    I'm writing you now just to see if you're better
    New York is cold but I like where I'm living
    There's music on Clinton street all through the evening

  2. We left NJ last night to venture into the West Village for dinner, which was a ghost town. It was a shame, because their wasn't a drop of rain or wind, I have never seen the city so empty.
    We had a nice lonely dinner.

    Tonight is the true test. Yummy pizza!

  3. It's duct tape, but duck tape is nicer!

  4. Daisy - that's wonderful - didn't know it, before.

    Anonymous - it's duck tape, too.

    Or just google it.

    Are you the same anonymous who has issues with "chile" ? :-)


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