Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pollinator tour at Pier 1, June 18th

Sambucus canadensis (elderflower), at Pier 1, evening

Rachel Fletcher of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy ("Conservancy" means, of course,  that the city of New York does not fund this park, naturally - which is also why it is so well maintained. Yes, yes, my old gripe) wrote:

"Our horticulturist, Rebecca McMackin, is going to be leading a tour through Pier 1 and giving a talk called Planting Pollinators to discuss what one can do to foster the ecosystems that bees, birds, butterflies, bats*, and beetles thrive in. She will also cover the basics of plant morphology and pollinator ecology.

Brooklyn Bridge Park is an incredible place to view wildlife, as we manage the park with organic strategies and cultivate hundreds of native habitat plants for birds, butterflies, and bees. If it's a sunny day, we are sure to see a great array of pollinators in action!"

* This will be tomorrow evening, Monday 18th June. And yes Vince and I have actually seen bats flitting across that early-dark lawn...

Here's more.

The walk is free, but your response is required:

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