Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wave Hill Garden Party

So I did take my little SD95 with me after all, hidden in my little evening purse, to the Wave Hill Garden Party last Thursday evening. I needn't have worried. I had plenty of company, amongst the iPhone-wielding younger attendees. While we did not have much time in the gloaming to wander the grounds, I snapped what I could.

Still, I think the best part of the evening was sipping my gin and tonic from an of-our-hipster-times mason jar, which prompted Faity Tuttle to recall that during Prohibition corn liquor was matured by being driven on Virginia's bumpy backroads in the back of a truck; this story being told by someone who is 100 years old, who was present, then,  and who could hardly stop laughing long enough to tell the tale.

Slumming it, Vince and I rode up by train from Grand Central, nipped onto the shuttle from the Riverdale station to the garden and met our friends Graeme and Silas. I had not seen the garden in September and must come back, soon. Scott Canning, the director of horticulture, seems to know what he is doing.

We flew by the Alpine garden.

And in the herb garden colchicum were in bloom.

A Frenchie was in bloom, too.

Here is a secret garden surrounded by a hornbeam hedge.

Green porcupines.

 I know what this is. What is it?

It is grass time.

Which also signal a return to the High Line, and to Battery Park...

Dinner was good, the auction was fun. We saw old friends (including Betty) and met nice people, including Wave Hill intern and Flickr acquaintance Esme, who describes herself as fledgling gardener (and here is her fledgling blog - she promises there will be more)...

A good night in the Bronx...


  1. Lovely colchicum. Lovely Frenchie.

  2. Black berry lily.... Pretty iris like foliage.... Great lil perennial!

  3. If I ever had the oppourtunity to visit New York Wave Hill is on my list of must sees!

  4. That is blackberry lily or belamcanda. Native to China, Jefferson grew it at Monticello. It tends to flop but I have an odd affection for it. Wave Hill is probably the nicest garden in the city. I think it was a wee bit nicer when it was under Marco Polo Stufano's care, since he was a zone pusher but was sparing in his use of zone inappropriate plants in borders. You could always count on his using something you'd be able to try at home even if it was unusual. I was there today for the plant sale and found the use of tibouchinia in borders a bit rococo, but Wave Hill is nothing if not always full of surprises.

  5. Marie, you wonderful thing! Thank you for mentioning me! This is great motivation to write some more posts...


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