Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Walk in Central Park

I entered at West 96th, off the C train, and meandered down, past the Reservoir, through The Ramble, past the fountain, under the elms, and out at Columbus Circle. I was looking for mushrooms. But there are no mushroom pictures here. These are pictures of what I found along the way.

A turtle water ballet. Or war? Hard to tell.

Golden rod.

A heron below Belvedere Castle.

The Shakespeare garden...

 ...which still had some fragrant hostas in bloom.

...as well as a hedge of autumn clematis.

Two elderly men were studying the clematis minutely, then taking pictures of what they saw. Was is this beetle? Their beetle?

The Ramble (the Manhattan version of our Prospect Park woods) had a nice sign. "Carry out what you carry in." The woods in Prospect Park have no signs. Just empty poles. Staff say that signs will be defaced.

In The Ramble, the late summer face of Japanese knotweed.

And my old friend, jewelweed.

I felt right at home! I saw condoms in only a couple of places, but those places were well-used, shielded behind the same knotweed.

Boats on the pea green lake.

Newlyweds and skate boarders.

And the beautiful American elms. 

OK - every one is allowed to take ONE squirrel picture in their lifetimes. This is mine.

The Sheep Meadow, with the San Remo on the right, above the trees.


  1. Beautiful photos on what looks to be a most perfect day.

  2. thank you for the beautiful photos. what a lovely day.
    re: the squirrel photo, do the furry little devils get into your patio or rooftop garden? if so, how do you repel them?

  3. thanks for sharing your very enjoyable walk with us.

  4. Hope you found some mushrooms as well as all the lovelies. Your orange beetle is a moth, a pretty cool-looking one at that (Ailanthus Webworm Moth).

  5. Great pictures, Marie! Central Park is looking mighty nice these days through your lens. (Aside from the condoms.)

    Oh, since you said you drank Horizon milk, I thought you might find this interesting. http://thewinewench.com/tag/horizon-organic-milk/

    I'm now looking for a new brand.

  6. Thanks, ASRanch :-)

    betsy - I may, now, with new seeds. But not so far...

    My pleasure, Lily H.

    Sweetgum T - Ha! A moth, clever you. Thank you.

    Thomas - oh boy. Off to have a look. Have some Stonyfield in the fridge!

  7. Ahhh...thankyou. I'll pop back in a few weeks for leaf colour, shall I? :-)

  8. AutumnSkyRannch - the way I addressed earlier didn't look quite right...

    Dinah - yes'm :-)

  9. Those are some the most beautiful photos I've even seen - the first two and the water lilies in particular. Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. thomas--thanks for the heads up on horizon. it looks like organic valley is the national organic milk to buy. (i also love your blog)
    marie--i also buy stonyfield and i did not see anything against them, although i have heard rumours....


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