Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Downtown vibe

Off the Bowery, whose character is going, going almost gone. Not that that's a bad thing. But it has reached the point where über has just trumped unter and where the glitz has clearly gone past the point of having a foot in the door. It's in the kitchen eating the cheese.

I know what I mean!


  1. Agreed. I nearly fell over last last week, walking from 11th to Bowery/Houston. What the hell happened to make Bowery approximate a gated community mall?


  2. Almost every inch of Manhattan has become, or is becoming, "corporatized". Sadly, it's marching across the bridge to the Boro of Kings.

    I hate that I sound like the curmudgeons I used to scorn in my youth, but I get it now.

    And I really do miss the edginess that NYC had back in the 70's and 80's.

  3. I know what you mean. And the cheese is not delicious.
    The Bowery of my youth, and for that matter all of the east side below 14th street was a netherworld, very real and dark and dusty. And sad in parts. And frightening and exciting too.

    Last year, we drove down the Bowery with my dad and he looked shocked--really shocked and said it was terrible to put the glitz so close to the Mission. Why rub it in? he said. He went on to say his biggest and realest fear as a youth was to END UP on the Bowery. And every decision he made after that was so he wouldn't. And now the club kids and the glitzy restaurants and real estate developers have only dollar signs dangling in front of them, not respect--but then again--that's NY--not about it's history really--about ambition real and otherwise. I only hope some of them donate their leftovers to the Mission at least. Word up mah sister.


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