Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rocky Neck

Flotsam and jetsam from our trip up to Massachusetts in the summer. These are pictures taken in the Rocky Neck part of Gloucester. The day after we visited, I read The Perfect Storm, lying on the bed on the second floor of the house where we stayed, on our last evening, listening to the waves break on Back Beach in Rockport.

The book was the only one in the room, and belonged to the Inn. It had a broken spine. It was quite welcome relief after Gary Shteyngart's Super Sad etc. And it was strange to read about a town and about fishing boats I had only just seen. It's not my kind of book, yet I read it in one sitting (or lying). So it was compelling.

Someone here really wanted some cucumbers to grow...

Although art galleries have sprung up (the kind that signal the death knell of a way of life and the beginning of nostalgia for it), there is still real work going on.

And there were flowers, amongst the dilapidation.


  1. How do I love that first picture. let me count the ways.....

    Still counting.
    xo Jane

  2. ¡Qué bonitas! (belles photos)


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