Sunday, October 17, 2010

Duck prosciutto

 Photo: Voer

Some people have paintings in their bedrooms. Photographs, maybe. Flowers.

Others have meaty performance art.


  1. Performance art? Ek is flattered.

    Daar was 'n beker met lelies, wit lelies net effens na regs, 'n paar weke vroeer. Regtig. En as jy mooi kyk kan jy die regterkant van 'n print van Magritte se Young Girl Eating a Bird uitmaak. Maar die wasgoedlyn domineer.

    Maar jy het 'n balkon. En 'n dak. Gebruik dit terwyl dit koud is.

  2. Can you eat raccoon? I'm more worried about the foxes here. So I'm planning a small cage. Wood, a bit of wire mesh, a hook to hang things. A bird cage would do - you just want to keep things out. Remember those biltongkaste you'd find on the stoepe of plaashuise? So iets...

  3. And heavy enough that they can't knock it over...the anti fox cage.

    We had biltong wires on the stoep of our old kitchen in the Free State, for winter biltong in the dry cold.

    No, really, you two have inspired me. First the pancetta, now the duck.

  4. Hahahaha. Wat kan ek se^? Ek hou van mans wat stukke vleis in hul kamers ophang.

  5. Susan, the pleasure is ours.

    Eeeh, melanie, Damien Hirst...all I can think of is pencils in awkward places!

    A - is jy nou al wakker of het jy nog nie gaan slaap nie? :-)

  6. Meh. Ek het vanoggend om 5h00 wakker geword en kon nie weer aan die slaap raak nie. Nou is dit 09h00 en ek voel uiters, uiters crap.

  7. I was thinking Magritte or Warhol. (And if Hirst does it he'll be cheating cos Melanie said it first! ;-) )


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