Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fall in Brooklyn

Kale arrives. By the truckload. Three Mexican gardeners were inside its cab, giggling their heads off at me as I walked by. I wonder how much kale they've planted this month? Cease and desist, I say. Actually, I quite like it. In moderation. But not landlocked in deserts of mulch...

The locusts are dripping yellow leaves at the moment, followed closely by elms. Time to head back to the parks?

The best thing I ever did with fresh pomegranate juice was reduce it and drizzle it over some pan-seared foie gras, a long time ago. Now that you can't take two steps in a supermarket without tripping over the bottled juice it has lost its appeal. I still like eating whole bowlfuls of the juicy seeds, though. But not at three bucks a pop.

Zelkova trees, the only time of year when they look good.

And the golden raintree in Cobble Hill Park. In summer it looked like this. It turned this colour only at the end of November last year. Might this predict a severe winter (we want snow! we want snow!)? Or is it because of the dry summer?


  1. I miss fall in NY, the colors are gorgeous.

    Is that the playground on Henry Street around Amity? My son use to play there and we use to spend a lot of time in Cobble Hill Park. Do they still have the Halloween Parade there? Don't mind me, I am taking a little "walk" down memory lane. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  2. 2.99 each is a fortune.

    I used to make a pomegranate sauce for turkey at Xmas. The juice, beef stock, slug of brandy and cut with a squeeze of lemon, all reduced and finished with a load of butter was about it.

  3. Marie,

    Can I use your truck-o-kale pic in my "Fall is for planting" talks. I'll give you photo credit. It's perfect!

    We sell a good many of this kind (looks like Osaka Red'), but my personal favorite for landscaping is the heirloom hardy types like 'Winterbor', 'Red Bor', and 'Nero di Toscana'...they'll overwinter for us where Osaka and Nagoyas won't. 'Winterbor' made it through -2F last year!

  4. Monica, yes, this is your old hood, indeed. I believe the parade is on for this weekend...

    Rob, that sounds delicious. Turkey, yes. You've reminded me of a Thanksgiving one I made in Palm Beach (a strange place) with orange juice from local trees and pomegranate juice, and chestnut and wild rice stuffing, and the look of horror on my then boyfriend's mother's face when she saw her kitchen in actual use :-)

    Ha, Ellen, I actually went back home for the camera.

    Paul, of course, I'm sorry it's not better. What size do you need? PLEASE tell them to plant other things, too :-)

  5. Marie, it only needs to be suitable for a ppt pres - I'm not printing anything. The talks are heavy to perennials and annuals for fall. It amazes me that people have forgotten how spectacular fall is for planting - I'm on an awareness crusade of sorts. I think the pic from the blog will be big enough, but I'll send you an e-mail if it needs bigger. THANKS! Hey to Vince - loving his (and your) Addo shots.

  6. Paul, I'll send it this afternoon. Not Addo, btw, Mountain Zebra National Park (big mouthful!) :-)

  7. I love pomegranates. I especially like making a martini with them. Yum. I've been thinking about ordering a dwarf pomegranate tree from Gurney's. I figure I could bring it indoors for the winter just like I do for my meyer lemon and lime tree.

  8. Kale can be so good, judiciously used.
    And quit complaining at YOUR pome prices. They're about the same here and they come from USA, ferpetesake!
    Whatever happened to local?

  9. Love the truck 'o kale! It's time for me to go search out the perfect fall tree. Maybe this weekend. THanks for the reminder.

  10. Truck o kale is a crazy mess -hate to have that pull up.

    3 bucks, no I wouldnt either.

    It has been a rapid turn since last week. I feel like I am missing something as I walk to work, especially on smokey warm October mornings like today's.

    I am predicting a strong winter, with revision before the soltice ;)


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